I am very pleased to announce that I will be hosting a Mindfulness workshop at the I LOVE ME wellbeing event in Rainford Village hall, St Helens.
We know how to give Love but don't know how to receive. Stress, anxiety, health challenges and lack of self-care seem to fill up our days. This is the time to put yourself first because only then can you help others. 'You have to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others'
I will show you ways to practice loving-kindness self-care with Mindfulness and meditation, how to incorporate it into your daily routine and how to say NO to what does not serve you and YES to what does.
I will teach you how to LET GO OF NEGATIVE Thoughts and replace them with POSITIVE affirmations of self-love.
I will show you positive coping tools to deal with stress, anxiety, illness, overwhelming thoughts and emotions and pain.
There will be a little time for optional sharing and supporting each-other with our experiences.
All materials will be provided all you need to bring is yourself!
Entrance to the well-being event is £2.
Investment in this workshop is £10.
Payment by paypal to findyourcalm@outlook.com (please use your name as the reference)
If the event is cancelled I will issue a full refund.
Link to main event - https://fb.me/e/1mPrhoE7x
If you have any questions about the workshop or day then get in touch through the ‘contact us’ page. I look forward to welcoming you to the workshop.
Love and Light, Heather xx